Wednesday, 2 October 2013

Feng Shoo Eee

I'm lucky enough to have a large studio but sometimes don't seem to have enough table top space and there are areas that I don't use because they don't feel 'right' So I decided to have a move around. I looked up how to feng shui your studio space and one of the most important statements was "a creative person must not have their back to the door" oops! My main letterpress working space is against a wall and I cannot see my door to the studio -it makes sense to move it as everytime someone knocks on my door I jump out of my skin!! 

It's in progress at the moment but getting there slowly as I'm having to alter and move furniture around-also a new paper storage table I have is double sided so it should be 'floating' so you can access both sides..but Strangely enough each space feels right! 

Watch this space...

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